Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Blog 1- Hire an Illustrator

There are several reasons I chose this picture, the first is obviously because I love Chipotle. I feel that the randomness and the variety of people who are heading towards the store is very intriguing to me. I also almost find it funny how all the animals in the picture are also meats that you can get at Chipotle. After reading up on the illustrator, Maddie Fabbro, I began to really understand why she is so good. She says that in her work she likes to "play up the quirks and humanistic mannerisms that make people exceptional". She looks for peculiarities that catch her eye as artistically masterful. She says that she often finds beautiful humor in these exceptional qualities and play with the fun of our uniqueness. I really love the amount of randomness but simplicity the artwork has. I love artwork that is easy to understand and that can even be humorous.
